Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fast For A World Harvest Day

Working together for change
Forty percent of the people on our planet—more than 2.5 billion—live in poverty, struggling to survive on less than $2 a day. In every nation on earth, people go to sleep hungry even though our planet produces enough food to feed every woman, man, and child.

Oxfam supporters have a long history of working for change. On the Thursday before Thanksgiving 1974, 250,000 people nationwide participated in the first Oxfam America Fast for a World Harvest; they fasted for the day or a meal, donating their food money to Oxfam. So began a national movement to alleviate global poverty and hunger.
More than just a means of addressing hunger issues, the Fast has come to symbolize the grassroots nature of working together for change. And there are many ways to help.

Information and Details.

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